So when's the lunar date..?

June 10, 2023


As a child of first-generation Korean immigrants, I've grown up celebrating my parents' birthdays based on their Lunar calendar birthdays. Unsurprisingly, keeping track of their birthdays has always been difficult since their birthday was never the same on the solar calendar. For instance, their birthday might fall on August 25th one year and August 27th the next Solar year. If you have asian family or friends who celebrate events based on the Lunar calendar, you may understand this painpoint.

This frustration inspired me to create an application that could quickly convert calendar dates and setup automatic reminders that notify me of upcoming important dates.

This web app allows users to select a solar date, which is then automatically converted to the corresponding lunar date and vice versa. Additionally, users can authenticate and log in using Google (Firebase) to set up email alerts for specific dates. The system will send out a notification email the day before configured dates.

System Overview

Since I wanted to keep the application as simple as possible, I opted to use Google's Firebase Auth instead of implementing auth on my own. I also tried to keep costs to a minimum and due to the application's simplicity, I didn't need relational data so DynamoDB seemed to be a good fit. The rest of the architecture uses AWS Lambdas, Gateway and Amplify.

lunarsolaralerts Architecture


While the user interface is currently quite basic, the application is fully functional. I plan to revisit and refine the application, especially if user interest grows. Please let me know of any bugs or recommendations.